Setup and Install Xamarin for Visual Studio 2015: JDK Setup

Java Development Kit (JDK) Setup

  1. Open command prompt and type in java -version.
    If it is showing ‘java’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file, it means that we need to install JDK in the machine.
    Important: If your java version is less than 1.8, you will also need to update the JDK because the latest Android version needs java 1.8 and above to compile.
  2. Download Java SE Development Kit 8 from Oracle site and follow the installation instructions. You might need to restart your machine after the installation of JDK.
  3. Open Visual Studio and click on Tools>Options
  4. Options dialog should be prompt up. Navigate to menu Xamarin>Android Settings. Then click Change button beside Java Development Kit Location.1_VS2015_AndroidSDK_03.png
  5. Select JDK dialog should be prompt up. Select the path that JDK is installed and click OK button.
  6. Java Development Kit Location section should be showing with green check mark.1_VS2015_AndroidSDK_08.png


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